Saturday, December 3, 2011

Photo episode

In reverse. Here we are at bedtime tonight. Glowsticks were obtained at the light parade we went to earlier this evening. Isabelle if you look carefully is wearing a Minnie Mouse costume obtained at an impromptu trip to the thrift store today.

The parade was fun and we were smart because we got a parking spot close to the road and watched it all from the van instead of braving the snowstorm.

Here is Max, and no that's not dirt on his face. He is a kitty cat. Obviously.
James and Helena, a dog and a cat respectively. Looks like the cat captured a bird's nest.
This was a dance party instigated by Helena. It was hard to capture the mania since they move so fast!

So the Advent wreath. The kids helped me decorate it and I was proud to actually have all the candles BEFORE advent started. I believe this is a first. However I couldn't find the little brass ring candle holder to actually put it all together--well--until today that is. James wanted to me to take his picture but wasn't interested in standing still.


Good night.