Monday, July 11, 2011

oh monday

Yes, it's been a while. I feel like getting back into it though so maybe friends will trickle back in.

Today was my first day home alone with all five little hornelings. I sensed some of my coming challenges with this episode. Everyone is out on the porch "painting" as we like to do with water and brushes. Isabelle spies some chicken "hoop" (aka poop) on the porch and thoughtfully mops it up with her brush. I see this from my nursing position on the love seat and tell her she needs to wash the poop off her brush before she can paint again. She comes over and sits down at my feet just out of reach and proceeds to paint chicken shit onto her feet. This, I can tell you, is as disgusting as it sounds, the poop was definitely fresh and had attractive bits of slimy white that is now sliding down Izzy's ankles. I yell out some wordless exclamation of horror, but Isabelle is calmly ignoring me and continuing to do what she does. As I said I was just out of reach and otherwise occupied which made manuevering difficult, so I decide to swipe for the brush and grab it but Izzy is holding tight and then suddenly lets go which just flings the wet brush across the porch showering Helena, Sally and me with the delightful mixture. At this point Helena and Sally start to cry and Isabelle pees on the porch.