Monday, September 14, 2009

Afternoon Showers

Things I like: eggs
Things I don't like: messing up my eggs so that the yolk breaks. I take a lot of pride in my ability to prepare eggs. Sometimes it can be crushing to my ego to mess up my flip.

Something else I like: the most awesome cake ever that I made yesterday. It's called Easiest Best Chocolate Mousse Cake. Mmmn...

Note the ingredients:

1 lb. bittersweet chocolate
2 sticks butter
8 eggs

Yeah, you read that correctly.

And I for one have died and gone to heaven. It even partly makes up for my badly fried egg.

Friday, September 11, 2009

September Silences

Babies are sleeping for now, that is except, for Max. Maximilian for the last few days has just slept in snatches prefering instead to practice supermans, arm flapping, and rolypolies. I think he is pretty nice company though, whenever I look at him he grins at me with this huge open mouth, and a look of pure adoration. Who could resist that?

I haven't written anything in so long that every word I write looks funny as if it's misspelled. Eric has been begging me to start up the ole blog again, he thinks I don't hold up my end of the posting. Which is true. Sometimes though its hard to find things that I'd like to write about.

Mmm... I smell coffee brewing in the next room. Paul and Chip, a couple Youth Apostle friends of ours, stopped in to visit a couple weekends ago. They had this one cup coffee maker with them and left it in our care as they won't be needing it in the future. Both of them are becoming consecrated in the fall which is very exciting. And also good for us because the coffee maker brews some damn good coffee and it's fast. A whole lot faster than my trusty french press.

Tuesday was an interesting day. I was having a rough time with the babies, it seemed as if all four had been crying all day. Morale was low. I called Eric in desperation and he came home early from work, we all got in the Cobra and drove to Taos. It was my first time there and I loved it. So charming. We ate at this place called "The Love Apple" which was set in an old adobe church. They had mismatched glassware and flowers and Zucchini picked from their garden decorating the tables. I really enjoyed the setting and the food was fabulous too. All the food is locally grown and raised. They use traditional methods of preparing food (very Weston-Price) and everything was delicious. On our way back we stopped at Taos's natural food store and bought some grass fed beef and a few other tasties. The sun was setting over the Rio Grande gorge as we drove home and no one was crying anymore.