Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Max and Isabelle

For your viewing pleasure, we have some pics from Logan's mom's blackberry. I was silly and in my rush packing everything up before heading down to Albuquerque, I wasn't able to find our camera. it's okay, though... until today the babies had all kinds of breathing tubes and stuff, didn't make for very cute pictures. they are off those machines now, which is great. The tube in Isabelle's nose is her feeding tube. Whatever she can't eat on her own goes down that way... you can also see an IV on her hand.

If you are in the neighborhood, we'll take visitors...

Saturday, April 18, 2009

partly cloudy with a chance of baby.

So, I had made a yummy breakfast, slaving over a hot stove (really just stirring their cereal every now and then...) and it was time to eat. James was around, but Helena was not in the kitchen, so I go searching. She's not in the living room, not hiding under the table... the doors to the bathroom, office, and guest room are all closed.

I check our bedroom. No Helena. I check the babies' room. No Helena. Hmm... maybe she was hiding in another room? As I turn to walk back down the hall, I hear a sound from inside the babies' room. Aha! She's hiding! Not many places to hide in there. I check behind the door, no Helena. I hear a small sound again coming from the closet. The closet! of course. The closet door is usually closed, which makes it playtime promised land. all that fun stuff to play with, like outgrown clothes and carseats, which are all about to get some use again very soon.

I curse myself for leaving the door to the closet open, when I realize it's possible they opened it themselves: James can open doors now, after a sustained effort. These are the thoughts going through my head as I navigate across the toy-strewn floor, which are interrupted by Helena making her appearance: not, as I thought, hiding on the floor, but rather flying out of the closet from a few feet off the ground. It was raining babies! Helena landed in a pile of 6 mo. onesies and plastic Easter eggs without a sound, and looked thouroughly shocked. She had been climbing up the boxes of old clothes, and was no worse for the wear, just a little surprised.

Friday, April 17, 2009

What do April Snowstorms bring?

New Mexico weather confuses me...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

are you sure you're insured?

Sooooo... funny story, that set me on edge for about 24 hours but has a happy ending:

We recently received our bill for our auto insurance, postmarked 4/10, but due 3/13!!! the next day, we received a notice from the insurance company letting us know that since we hadn't paid our bill, we were no longer covered... gaaah!

Well, after speaking with our agent, it seems there were a number of problems, none of which was our fault (except maybe one). We got our auto insurance before we bought the house, when we lived in our temporary apartment. When we bought our house, we got it insured with the same company. What was supposed to happen was they were supposed to take our new address and change it for our car policy. well... that didn't happen. Our agent tried to call my cell phone when he got the bill returned in the mail, but apparently couldn't get through, or the number was wrong. unfortunately, we never gave him our new home number, which would have solved things. It's very possible that he called while my cell phone was on the fritz, but we'll never know.

Anyway, to make a long story short, our agent assured us we hadn't lost our coverage, he has all the proper phone numbers, and everything is hunky dory. Don't you just love a happy ending?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I'm dreaming of a white Easter...

So, I woke up this morning to find... It was snowing! Holy Cow! This is April, do the NM weather gods know that? This is Easter weekend, do they know THAT? Anyway, the neighborhood birds have been very grateful for our birdfeeders... Juncos, House Finches, Spotted Towhees have all been hanging around the feeders. In our yard this morning we also had at least 8 individual robins, a pair of mourning doves, and two as-yet unidentified birds...

In the meantime, preparations for the resurrection continue. H. and J. enjoy helping me sweep and vacuum, although I doubt you could call it "help."