Saturday, November 1, 2008

rare little rose, piece of inmost horticultural art

Last night was Halloween. Los Alamos has a "Trick or Treat on mainstreet," where every kid in town goes trick or treating around the several businesses downtown. It's quite the event, nobody goes around the neighborhood until that event ends around 7. We only had 4 or 5 groups of kids come to our door between 7 and 9. Logan and I speculate that many people don't give out candy because they figure the kids get enough from mainstreet. Also, we didn't see any teenagers or middle schoolers, which was strange, because I know for a fact that there are several that live on our street. My guess is they focus on certain neighborhoods, especially the more well-to-do areas. There is a house in one neighborhood that gives out Godiva chocolate. According to the teens I work with, people come up from towns 30 and 40 minutes away in order to hit up that houses and others like it.

We also had our friend Jeff over. The idea was we could play games and give out candy together, although the dearth of costumed visitors meant we pigged out on the smarties and snickers ourselves. It was good to chat and play games and drink Sangria.

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