Monday, August 18, 2008

"Do what I want, and I'm gonna get paid"

We arrived in NM Sunday afternoon, and were greeted by a big storm as we drove across the Rio Grande to go up the hill to Los Alamos. The afternoon Sun was in our eyes and our entire field of vision was white from the glare. The rain and hail pounded the car, then cleared up as we drove up to the Atomic City. They say that after living here for two years you get a super power, though I'm not sure if you get to choose or if it is assigned to you.

The drive out West wasn't bad. The worst part was leaving less than 24 hours after returning from Europe. We made several stops to visit family and friends, which was nice. Helena and James took everything in stride, sleeping in their carseats, mostly. They charmed the country at every rest stop and restaurant along the way, smiling and giggling and being cute. It's what they do best.

My first day of work coincided with the Los Alamos County Schools first day of schools. Several of the kids from my new parish stopped by during their lunch period, which was nice. (Immaculate Heart of Mary is right next to the High School) We have our own building for the youth, the John Paul the Great Center, which was an old visitors center for the county that got uplifted and planted right behind the Church. Everybody has been very welcoming, especially the pastor, Fr. John Carney.

So here we are, at the end of our Transatlantic Oddysey: New Mexico by way of Italy and France.


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