Saturday, September 6, 2008

I seem to think alot about all the things I forgot to do

Highlights of the week include:

1. Internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a big one, ('specially for me, logan) since I was feeling completely out of touch with everything and everyone. In my desperation for information (prior to said web installation) I bought a book on edible plants and spent the last two weeks memorizing it. When I'm out with Eric now I can inform him of the edible parts of any plant we pass. I think he finds this mildly annoying and endearing (or at least I'd like to think so). [Edit by Eric: I find it endearing and only slightly annoying]

**some persons in this houselhold remarked that my use of multiple exclamation points is lowering the literary value of this blog, to that I say "pshaw."**

2. Making an offer on a house!

Yesterday we sat down with our real estate lady and hacked out an offer on this cute house we found. The whole process seemed surreal and too grown up. We're super excited about the prospect of this house, and are anxiously waiting to hear if our offer was accepted.

In baby news, James took some real steps the other day. And I think he'll be walking like Helena soon. Hurray for James!

Man, and just think it's almost their first birthday-- where did my year go?


candice said...

Can we get pictures up on this? We need action shots :)
(oh, if you were only here, we wouldn't need pics ... how we miss you!)

Logan said...

Pictures will definitely be arriving soon. . .

littlebook said...

Edible plants, huh? Now you know how I learned to juggle when I was internet-less and phone-less in England. :o)

Steph said...

I like the exclamation points. May I also suggest some caps lock while you're waiting?