Thursday, October 9, 2008

How modest, kindly, all-accomplished, wise

The babies are becoming generous, offering to help out in their own special way. The other day I arrived home from work, and James toddled over to greet me. He gave me a hug and then showed me what was in his mouth (a piece of pita he was working on). He stuck out his tongue, and was very proud of the fact that he had pita, then the mushy half-chewed pita fell onto my leg. James sauntered off, happy to give his father a gift. Thanks James. This morning he also tried to feed Helena the bits of food he found on the ground after breakfast. yummy.

Helena helps out, too. Just yesterday I was changing James, who had given me a rather large gift in his diaper. Helena went for the baby wipes, which she loves. I managed to get them from her before she pulled them all out, but she still got a few to play with. I continued to clean James up, and Helena decided she would help. Squatting down next to James, she took a wipe in her hand and started to dab at his nether region. Thank you Helena! But I think I can handle this myself...

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