Wednesday, February 4, 2009

WARNING: Explicit Content

So... last night was crazy. Helena was very upset before bed, almost to the point of being inconsolable. We chalked it up to teething, and perhaps the strange acidic number 2 she dropped in her drawers right before bed. Bedtime went off without a hitch, and life continued as usual.

Until she woke up crying at 5AM...

Logan: "I think Helena's diaper is overflowing, could you grab another diaper?"

See, this isn't usual, but not unheard of. Sometimes they pee alot at night... While I'm getting the diaper from the next room I hear:

Logan: "Um... you'd better come get her..."

It seems as though the overflow was not urine-related, but was rather more sinister. And the sinister stuff was leaking out all over Helena's legs, the sheets, the comforter, and Logan. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. I get to work on the diaper aspect, Logan gets to work on the sheets. James gets to work on waking up and crying, and Helena gets to work on being a sad little miserable girl with diarrhea the consistency of pudding made from texas chili. See, the chili was the previous night's dinner, and I swear Helena must have eaten almost as much as I did. We surmise it was now tearing through her poor little innards, and we promised to never again repeat our mistake.

H. got a nice dip in the tub, Logan continued work on the sheets, and James, well he kept crying. Eventually everyone was clean and dry (except for James' eyes, pobrecito) but the bed was still poopy, so we decided to retreat to the guest bed (a double bed; we usually sleep in our King size swedish bed.... ahhhhh....) We hadn't all slept in that bed in several months, and the babies are decidedly larger now. It was tight. And James liked to kick. And Logan had to wake up in 30 min. to go to work. Who needs an alarm clock when you've got texas chili?

Things are calmer now, a night later. the babies are asleep in the guest bed, as our king bed is getting another treatment of stain removal. After a day of airing out, the smell was still lingering...

In other news, almond milk helps contribute to an excellent white russian.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an amazing tag!